Parents / Carers

Parenting teenagers can be very rewarding and equally very challenging.  Trying to balance work, home life and self-care while dealing with additional pressures can be stressful.  We have put together some of the best reliable and free sources of information and advice to help you and your family to cope. Please use the drop box at the top of the page to navigate.


Anna Freud are holding free webinars over the summer holidays. to support young people with the milestones and transitions that happen at this time of year.

Two of the webinars will be for parents and carers, sharing tips and advice to help them support their children with important milestones. The first webinar will be for parents/carers with children waiting for their exam results, and the second will be for those with children about to start Year 7.

Each webinar will be run by Anna Freud education and mental health experts, sharing practical tips and advice for supporting wellbeing and dealing with potentially stressful situations.

Book your place:

The Mental Health Matters event was a collaboration between Coombe Girls’ School, New Malden and Worcester Park Primary Care Network, and other mental health services, and features several clinical speakers each looking at a different area of mental health. Talks  cover areas including dementia care, how people can support their mental wellbeing and mental health in children and young people. 

A free app to help families and friends provide mental health support 

About Combined Minds

Combined Minds is an app developed for teenage mental health charity stem4 by Dr. Nihara Krause, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, to help families and friends support young people with their mental health.

When a child or young person has a diagnosed mental health condition, families and friends want to support them in the best way but also know when to step back. Combined Minds uses a ‘Strengths-Based’ Approach which has been shown to be effective in recovery. This approach focusses on the positive attributes of the person and builds on resourcefulness and resilience.

A shared harness can balance or protect a climber and help catch them when they fall. Keep on partnering so they can climb tall.

Combined Minds helps families and friends to find ways to provide the right environment to help the individuals they support affect their own change. As important influencers in the lives of young people, this provides positive impact on their mental health.

A ‘Strengths-Based’ Approach works both ways, also helping families and friends to search for their own strengths.

 Please note the app is an aid in treatment but does not replace it. Please help the young person you are supporting to see their GP.